Sunday, January 18, 2009

Don't be angry

Don’t be angry

Daily life doesn’t always good
Trouble at the street or another place
Almost every time we get provoked to angry
Shouting, cursing, because of stupidity or negligence
When the ego start to control our emotion
We became accustomed to anger
We never learn
To be a true human
Who caring each others
Helping, forgiving, lenient
And respect each others

With smile
We could solve
Our problems




Everybody wants to be a winner

Everybody wants to be a winner nobody wants to be a loser, but how to be a winner?
This short article may help you define what a winner is and how to be one of it.

Be a winner Ala Carl May
Martin Luther King Jr had said “If you are sweeper then sweep the street like Shakespeare wrote poem or Michelangelo paint, so all the people around the world would say ‘Oh this is the best sweeper who did his job perfectly’

Do the best on your job, that what a lot of great people did, and they grab the success. Kemmons know that people need a simply but neat motel, then he got Holiday Inn. Sam Walton built a groceries network with suitable prices and friendly services, the result is Wal-Mart, one of the biggest groceries network at US. Fred Smith understands that people need package delivery service which could send the package in a single day, which now we know Fed Ex or Federal Express.

Being success doesn’t need to wait for academic title, start now, Ray Kroc the head behind McDonald starting his business at 52, he started his success by choosing the target, make a plan, put the limit or deadline, then the most important, do it.

Pick some simple thing and then expand it. For example, what could be simpler than pick up the phone? But how many people could do this thing properly? We need to interview hundreds of people just to find a receptionist who could handle this thing. Do your best at any kind of job, gardening, house keeping, or cooking. Learn and try to expanding your ability and talent.

Chance it’s never end. Most people don’t creative with what they got, they often expecting what they didn’t have while they never really use what they got. It just likes a dwarf who said to a giant “If I were as big as you, I’ll go to the highest mountain, I’ll get the biggest bear, and sell his fur” then the giant look at the dwarf and said with smile on his face “There’s also a lot of little bear at the forest”. Think about that

Don’t you ever complaining about the big bear which you couldn’t catch while several little bears dancing around you. We should use what we got, where we at, and take the best act based on it.

And the last is the secret of being winner. Do the ordinary thing in a special way, and you should remember that winner looking the way to be a winner while looser looking excuse for being looser.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Actually, this post was written a few days before World Cup 2006 final. Even tough I’m not a football freak I really enjoy this event, and not only the game I’m also enjoying the other thing whenever I’m watching they play. One of my favorite sessions is when the game is over. Huh?

Yup, for me the scenes after the game will always be a great moment to watch. For some people it might be the game or the score which really important for them, but for me what happen after each game is also a great drama. Watching them celebrate their happiness, hug each other, toss their hand running around like crazy, waving their hands for the supporter. And nevertheless watching the losses team is also great, how they crying, sitting down and look so depressed, cheer up each other, and a lot more dramatic expression. Then I’m remembering some article that I had wrote when I’m in high school, and I want to share it to all of you.

If we don’t have:


Seems like heaven isn’t? Always success, always get the good mark, never fail at our school, our parent never angry to us, and we might even got present from our parent.

WOW!!! Incredible! But do that really ok? Does it good for us to never fail?

Since we were baby we had actually often “fail”, not all the things that we want will be granted by our parent. When we go to the store, not every toy we want will be bought by our parent. Our parent often use their veto right to say no, and sometimes not even a little words come from them. NO! That’s all, and even if you cry out loud and use all the tears, they will still say NO. It’s also happen when you ask them to buy motorcycle or car, it is not only about how thick their wallet. A lot of reason for them to reject their beloved children request. This is a sequence of failure that will always be continued until you grow up and getting old. This is what you should enjoying,. Huh? Enjoy?

Well, let me give you a little example, when you watching tennis game, football game, or racing game, watching when the game ended, win or lose they will walk with proud, shake their rivals hand, and congratulate each other. Whereas this rival is someone who beat them, someone who made them fail to be a winner. But they keep their head up, to the public they don’t afraid to admit that they lose and they even praise their rival. These are the people who we call knight, they act noble, a real hero. Fail doesn’t make them feel inferior. Fail doesn’t make them act like a spoiled kid. That what fail really mean, that is what the joy of fail. Had beaten on several game doesn’t make great athlete crying like a baby, but inspecting and learning why they had beaten and then do their best to be a champion. And when the audiences give them a standing ovation, it’s more than their mere winning but it’s more to how they change failure became the profit to gain winning.

Like one of the greatest novelist, Ernest Hemingway, said “If you failed, then write, and write again till you no longer failed”

What a great joy to be win after fail, and what a waste of living to be drown because of fail or drifted because of never had chance to fail. Because when you fail it’s a grace for soul.